Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Cluster F***

Marc Garlasco of Human Rights Watch: "As a comparison in the war in Iraq in 2003, the United States over three weeks dropped 2 million cluster sub-munitions. Israel in the war in Lebanon dropped 4 million in three days. It dwarfs any use of cluster bombs prior. You can take Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo and put them together and you’re not going to come close to what happened in southern Lebanon."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the israelis are doing a good job of upholding their mentality of eye-for-an-eye, they will always feel that way. It's up to the west to figure out what to do with the situation that they created in the 1950s and then propose it humbly to the Arabs, ignoring the inevitable pouts from the newly pacified Israeli machine of revenge.