Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Indoor Soccer Fall 2006 Season Wrap-Up

We ended my 6th campaign with our Indoor Soccer team with a record of 3-2-1 (Win-Loss-Tie) in the regular season and in 4th place out of 7 teams after the play-offs.

Our last game this past monday was quite a fiasco.
3 players could not make it, 1 was serving a red card suspension, 2 players were 15 minutes late and another quit the team. We were short 2 players at kick-off so we had to forfeit the game. They then allowed us to bring on guest players for a good friendly game with no ref.

It was somewhat of a meaningless game for most since with the previous week's tie we had missed a chance to go for the top spot and this game was then only for 3rd place.

What personally troubled me greatly was the resignation of one of our players with only one more game to go in the season. I had given him very little or no playing time in many of the season's matches that had been hard fights. He got plenty of playing time for the easier games. This was particularly difficult since he is a very dear and old friend. But he was also the least experienced or solid player of our batch.

These are certainly the inevitable growing pains of a team that started rag-tagging it for fun on our office's back parking lot but which now consistently gets chances to win trophies. These are the unfortunate and grueling choices that set apart friendliness and competitiveness.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Ariel Levy. Can Ladies Go Wild Too?

She's attractive, sensual, she can really write,
and she has an affinity for sexy topics.

Do it like a pro. like Barry Bonds.

Her fine article "Dispaches from Girls Gone Wild" is as delightful to read as it is to watch those late night GGW commercials.
Yet like a delicious vitamin-enhanced gummy bear, it is also good for you with its engagingly astute examination of the pervasive societal atmosphere she calls "the Raunch Culture." Read it here.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


The National Geographic Photo Of the Day

"A garbage truck dumps its load at a U.S. landfill. More than 70 percent of the 180 million tons of refuse Americans throw away each year ends up in landfills, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Compacted repeatedly by bulldozers, the inner recesses of landfills receive no light, air, or moisture, making biodegradation impossible. Scientists have even found hotdogs buried in 1974 still intact 15 years later."

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

In Memoriam. Erasmo Ramos

Orgasmo & Jorge

The crazy energetic whirlwind of a man we like to call Orgasmo has left us. Tragically and shockingly he is not physically with us any more.
A old and dear friend of my co-worker Jorge, he had diligently embraced me with his typical ebullience. Despite having only met a handful of times, he had generously invited me to his upcoming thanksgiving wedding.
I find some solace in having had the privilege of knowing him and in the certitude that wherever he is now reunited with his father, the Orgas-man is still bouncing around, getting up excitedly to tell his stories and spreading laughter around him.
My warmest thoughts go to S., their families and all of his impressively numerous friends.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Halloween Be Thy Name

For the most frightfully rambunctious event of the year, about 40 courageous souls ventured up to the Wheystone mansion for a terrifyingly titillating time.

Despite many fantastic costumes of all stripes, our gracious hostess with the most was the crowd favorite. Since there were so many great characters, it could also be that the throngs were just stroking her large egos, both of them, in the hope they might be invited again next year for a repeat.

DJ Kam spun his bone-rattling tunes and my laptop finally worked properly so i was also able to lay down some grooves. There was some serious shakin' goin' on!

Check out the pix!