Friday, June 30, 2006

Ants Use Internal Pedometer to Measure Distance

For my first college presentation, I learned about
desert ants using the sun's polarized light to keep their bearings.

When they leave their nest, they wander all over the place
to look for food, then they amazingly head back home
in the most direct straight line.

The sky can help them keep track of direction
but not of distance. According to a new study,
involving eeeeksperiments where their legs
were lenghened or amputated, these ants keep
track of distance by counting the number of steps
they took. impressive.

Here's the full BBC story.

Thursday, June 29, 2006


On my way back from lunch carpooling with a coworker
yesterday - yes i should have packed a lunch -
I saw this puzzling spectacle:
an Escalade carrying two bicycles.

The 2005 Cadillac Escalade AWD retails for more than
50K and has a V8 engine delivering 345 hp that are really
vital in this ruthless urban jungle that the DC area is.
Its optimistic EPA mileage estimate is 13/17 mpg.
Even driving like I do, i get 28mpg in my 1.7l 170hp
13 year old 3 door coupe.

Last week there was sobering report from an environmental
group which has worked with McDonald's and FedEx.
A study by Environmental Defense has
determined that American automobiles are responsible for
nearly half of the greenhouse gases emitted by cars globally
although they constitute only 30 percent of the world’s autos.
The authors argued that cars in the U.S. are driven
more miles, have lower fuel economy requirements and use
fuel with more carbon than in most other countries.

As individuals, we can at least address 2 of these factors.
-drive less and smarter
-buy more fuel efficient vehicules.

And if you're not rich enough to buy a new hybrid car
and love your old trusty reasonably efficient and fun wheels,
just bitch about it like me, there'll be enough of us eventually.

Somalia Defeats Rwanda To Win Third-World Cup

June 29, 2006 | Onion Sports

KHARTOUM, SUDAN—The host city of the 2006
Developing Nations Football Championship erupted
in cheers that nearly drowned out the cries of the
starving and wounded Tuesday when the underdog
Somali side, playing four down due to injuries and
landmines, outlasted the more experienced if
disease-ridden Rwandans 1-0 to win the inaugural
Third-World Cup.

Full damn good story here.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Futebol Time

You know things are alright at work when people
take a break to watch the World Cup. including my boss.
We even had a true Brazilian sporting her country's
colors and screaming at the TV in Portuguese.
It's Futebol Time-inho!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Frolf und Pétanque

I just discovered the new sport of FROLF!
aka disc golf or Frisbee golf.
Admire Diet's perfect form on Bluemont park's
spider tree while Petra looks on utterly ravished.

It's a blast of a relaxing, light outdoors activity.
Except of course when like me you're a sucky
beginner and lose a disc in the poison ivy bushes.
That disc is still somewhere out there and my
blisters are only healing now after a couple weeks.
But you know i went right back out there for
some more of that FROLF!

Any sport which you can practice with a beverage in
hand is a quality activity. Take for instance the storied
yet, outside of the ol' continent, completely obscure
sport of pétanque.

This is an ol' pix with Bobska from the summer of 1997
at the bottom of Death Valley. Sure it was hot enough
to fry an egg on the hood of our car but a cooling wind
and a steady supply of pastis-mint cocktails kept us going.
Plus who could possibly pass up on that perfect
playing surface of the valley bottom.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


At 6'7" (200.66 cm) Peter Crouch on the English national team
is one lanky gangly fellow. At the 44th minute of a then scoreless
game against Trinidad-and-Tobago today, he completely missed
a solid center by Beckam. And he sure looked funny blowing it,
in a barrel of monkeys kind of way.

You be the judge:

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Rule of Engagement

Last night we lost our indoor soccer game against Felina.
It wasn't that they were a tougher team like we thought,
It's just that many of our guys just didn't show.

We played one guy short and after an injury we were
2 short. Yet we still managed to lose only by 5-9.
Knowing we should have won with our full roster
only stings more.

But the excitement for the night was on the field
next to us. The Brazilian and Salvadorean teams
who are also in our league were duking it out.
Throughout their game we could hear the very loud
supporters for both teams. Then hell broke loose
and it escalated into a full blown brawl. Their supporters
stormed the field, shirts came off in some kind of
fighting intimidation attempt, punches flew everywhere.
I saw 2 bloodied Brazilian guys limping out off the field.
They were outnumbered by the smaller and
more verocious Salvadorians.

One the guys on our team who grew up tough
in South Carolina likes to say that you just don't pick
a fight with someone who is poorer that you.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Friends Around The World

A Great Many thanks to all of you and
especially my cousin Lou for spreading
the word and lighting up my world map
of visitors like a global Christmas tree!
Astoundingly, we covered all the
continents. Well almost, Antarctica
might be tough. Eleven countries down,
only 180 more to go!

This is a perfect illustration of how very small the
world has gotten. And what more perfect an opportunity
to celebrate our interconnectedness than by watching
a little World Cup Soccer and putting aside our differences.

Are you pumped for some soccer yet!!!!!???

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Back On Top

It was an epic game of spirited indoor soccer.
After 3 lead changes and the expulsion of most of our bench
due to whining from the opposing team that we had too many subs,
invoking a new rule enacted 3 weeks ago,
we still won the game 6-3 and we are back on top of the rankings!
Our two last games of the season are going to be pretty rough
so I'm lovin' being on top while it lasts.