aka disc golf or Frisbee golf.
Admire Diet's perfect form on Bluemont park's
spider tree while Petra looks on utterly ravished.

It's a blast of a relaxing, light outdoors activity.
Except of course when like me you're a sucky
beginner and lose a disc in the poison ivy bushes.
That disc is still somewhere out there and my
blisters are only healing now after a couple weeks.
But you know i went right back out there for
some more of that FROLF!

Any sport which you can practice with a beverage in
hand is a quality activity. Take for instance the storied
yet, outside of the ol' continent, completely obscure
sport of pétanque.
This is an ol' pix with Bobska from the summer of 1997
at the bottom of Death Valley. Sure it was hot enough
to fry an egg on the hood of our car but a cooling wind
and a steady supply of pastis-mint cocktails kept us going.
Plus who could possibly pass up on that perfect
playing surface of the valley bottom.

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