Sunday, October 15, 2006

Didgeridoo Trumps Snores

In an sound and offbeat study published in the British Medical Journal, researchers have determined that regular playing of a didgeridoo can help alleviate chronic snoring and sleep apnea.

Spurred by anecdotal evidence that rocking out the didg reduced snoring in new students of the instrument, a Swiss team of doctors successfully tested out the resounding hypothesis.

They found that since playing the didgeridoo requires a controlled breathing pattern, practicing to play it strenghens the muscles of the upper airways which control airway dilation and wall stiffening. As a result, regular playing of a didgeridoo reduced daytime sleepiness and snoring in people with moderate obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome, not to mention improving the sleep quality of their bed partners.

Time to dust mine off and didg on!

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